What to do when pulled over

Wait inside your car for the officer to approach, and be prepared

If you notice that a police car is following you with the lights flashing, pull over to the side of the road safely and quickly. Wait inside your car for the officer to approach, and be prepared to:

Turn on the light

Turn on your interior light at night and keep your hands where the officer can see them, preferably on the steering wheel.

Keep your hands visible

Don’t reach under your seat or into your glove box. This may cause the officer to think you’re reaching for a weapon or hiding something.

Provide necessary documentation

Give your license and proof of insurance to the officer if asked. If the officer asks you to step out of your car, do so without sudden or threatening movements.

Be polite

Stay calm − don’t become argumentative, disorderly or abusive − and never attempt to bribe the officer.

If a citation is issued, present your story in traffic court if you feel you’ve been unfairly treated. You may be represented by a lawyer and, if necessary, you’ll be heard by a judge or magistrate.


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